Someone asked who will be next. I have already interviewed Alex, the gentleman who sculpts figures for Valdemar Miniatures, and Yarik. Just go to the "interview" page of my website at:
I am currently interviewing Doug Cohen, a master sculptor and painter in the States. Someone called him the Remington of Miniatures. I have been impressed with his figures and painting, in particular, faces ever since I saw a figure of his at a SCAHMS show a couple of years ago. I knew intellectually that the figure would not move, but you are compelled to watch it to make sure, his technique is so effective. So, I am interviewing Doug on painting flesh. Several other interviews are commencing.
I recently wrote an article published in the current Figure International Magazine by Andrea Press on the manufacturing of 1/72 scale figures. Ironically, an interview with Doug Cohen appears in the same issue.
Best wishes,