My new project is again a Marder, but this time the Marder 1 Sd.Kfz 135.
That is 7,5 cm Pak 40 on Lorraine chassis from Modell Trans Modellbau in 1:72.
It is a resin kit with some flaws.But there are not many suppliers for the model.
Here is a picture of the parts of the kit from Modelltrans/Silesian Models.
The parts are all finely cast. Except for the chain at the top, which is not pierced all over. You can't see it though because that part disappears under the armor.
Again, I didn't look closely. I think I saw that there were holes on the wheels like on the PIII. I drilled out the thin wall. It was of course not so.
To correct my mistake I punched out 5.5mm washers with my home made punch and die set. Matched the washers and punched the screws with the needle in the radius.
You can't see much of it when installed.
I assembled the Pak from 3 different kits. The barrel seemed a bit short to me
and I had problems with the muzzle brake. It popped out of my tweezers and was gone for now. It showed up of course when I glued on the replacement from Esci. The pivot base of the mount seat a little too loose, so I resorted danauf Fujimi.
Up to here everything has been easy. But then it started. After studying pictures and walk arounds I saw some misses.
Bad ones are:
Stowage compartments, fug, andammunition holders.
Missing stands:
Trowel,Tube with rods,Occasion crank,Converter with rackfor FuG hooks for Mpi and MG, "kl.Kisten, a tube container the jack and very small 4 shackles,The step ladder is also absent. Partly I rummaged through my Kramkisten , the rest of course scratch built.
Storage compartments milled away.
Here times almost all the parts that are used.
The interior already times in color with some additional details.