Since Covid has killed our big, two day Show games, our little group's biggest event is the annual Australia Day Battle (coming up in late January).
This year, the talk is for the Western Desert in WW2. The rules we use are Blitz Krieg Commander which are company/battalion scale rules so 8-10 tanks a side, commensurate infantry etc.
Up to now, we've only ever gamed late war Western Europe. The battlefields have buildings, hedges, woodlands etc - plenty of cover & the means of limiting the ranges of weapons eg a German 88 can fire 100cms unless blocked by line-of-sight. This is vital in a game as otherwise the attackers would get massacred.
I know the Western desert had wadis etc & dust plays a role in concealment & you can always use smoke rounds to hide troops, however, the battlefield looks fairly naked.
And then I had a "wizard wheeze": set the game as a night attack.
Sadly, our rules have no provision for this. I'm trying to devise some bolt on half ranges, movement potentially being in random directions, perhaps morale issues for the defenders????
Does anyone have any concrete ideas? I'd be grateful.