Thank you very much for your support and confidence in me, friends.
As always I'll try to do my best and with my unmistakable cartoonish style figures, hahaha.
sberry wrote:...I am very curious to see the expanded version that you are planning. It will be a very colorful scene, that's for sure! And I am curious to learn from where you will get the lots of cardinals etc. that you are needing.
Sorry, sberry, but don't expect a big diorama. Making something like that would take me too much time. I prefer to be realistic and modest, and make something more humble.
First of all, I decided that the number of figures in the diorama should not exceed about fifteen, and then I looked for the ideal base. Bearing in mind that the composition would include two elements (the row of Swiss Guards presenting arms and the procession of religious figures), the base should have an elongated shape.
Once again I searched the Andrea Miniatures bases catalog ( and chose the following one, size 100x80x50mm.
Then I had to choose the scenario in which the figures would be placed. It had to be a room inside the Vatican, all well known for their sumptuous decoration. The room had to include at least a splendid marble floor, perhaps also a wall decorated with beautiful frescoes or paintings. However, although a wall would add colour to the scene, it would avoid a view of the figures from all possible angles, so I decided to leave only the floor.
After hours and days searching the Internet for designs of printable marble floors, I could only find a few and I chose the next one, not as rich as I would have liked (If anyone knows of any better printable design for free, I would appreciate any possible help).
The next step was to choose the necessary figures. I started with the easiest thing, the Swiss Guards. I wanted to include an Officer, a Sergeant, a Corporal and two or three halberdiers, representing the beginning of the formation, all of them presenting arms to the religious procession.
Of course, the figures used would be those of the MM Miniatures set, in this case not the armoured figure on the move but the standing unarmoured one (the figure on the right in the picture). The original figure would have to be appropriately converted into the desired characters (conversions in a future post).
The choice of the religious characters was much more complicated. I will dedicate the nex post to it. Sorry for making you wait.