Hi, i am new to the forum and still fairly new to miniatures painting so therefore, unfortunately, still very very slow. I want to try and speed things up a bit because i am painting with the aim of war gaming with my figures. At the rate i am going it's going to be another 3 years before i get my first game, it just wont do. Because i am war gaming with the figures they do not need to be painted to the same standard a lot of you guys paint too (just as well really otherwise i would be a very disappointed man indeed) so they only really need to look alright from arm's length. I find as i do more figures the standard of painting is improving quite a lot but unfortunately the speed is not increasing at the same rate.
With this in mind i am thinking about purchasing an airbrush to do the priming with. I find the priming to be quite a time consuming job, and also quite a tedious one as well. I was thinking of purchasing an airbrush to speed the job up a bit. I have previously been told that it is not very cost effective to purchase an airbrush just to primer with it but that is not really a consideration for me, it just has to be quicker. The other thing is i live in quite a small apartment so i do my painting in my living room on a table by the window. Therefore i was wondering about two things: first of all is an airbrush a good and speedy way to apply primer; secondly, does it create a lot of spray when you airbrush? I could afford to buy one of those box like spray booths and put the extraction hose out of the window. Obviously i need to worry about getting a lot of spray vapours in my living space and need to know if airbrushes create a lot of spray, afterall it is small amounts of paint that is being applied. If so are those small spray booths up to the job?
If anyone has experience using an airbrush indoors any input woul be much appreciated. Thank you and great site, i have only just discovered it and i think it's brilliant.