Ok..I´ve had a think;
If you mean forums then like this and not just a "lets sell product shop related force it down your throat big bucks" thing
Front of site; a list of scales from 2mm to the biggest, in mm and the 1/72nd , 1/32nd etc next to it
so for instance;
20-25mm (1/72nd)
28mm (1/56) etc
Also a one for busts...there are some amazing bits of work out there which are just heads and shoulders.
Under these, all the usual forums, general, marketplace, forum and help...a bit like here
You click on the scale and it leads you to a forum for that scale divided into bods, planes, vehicles, reviews, tips, dios etc. To do it historically would be the path of madness!!!
The general chat sections cross threaded in every forum...they would be available in each scale section. This would maintain the community feeling without people having to jump out of thier prefered scale section (s) to go into the general community based ones.
Also... a "front of page" button so that if you are interested in more than one scale you wouldn´t have to back tab to get back to the front page.
A dealers section could also be added which would be cross threaded but if the dealer was only selling 28mm it would only be visible in the 28mm forum, if they sold a range of scales, they would be visible across those scale forums. This would save a lot of searching among sellers...
No bloody adverts....they distract like nothing else. They are only there to provide income for forums and to be honest if the dealer is paying for the add...then they should pay to be on the forum..it´s advertising in its self.
Most of all...keep it plain looking...no flashy lights colours...most of us are out of our teens and don´t need visual stimulation and the headaches that go with it. (no insult intended to any of our younger members...I´m sure that your all sensible otherwise you wouldn´t be doing an honourable hobby such as this one)
Basicall, a web page that looks a bit like this except with the addition of a list of scale forums..., click on the scale and you come to a list of forums that look a bit like this for each scale..only some of the more general forums are cross threaded across each scale forum. easy or??
and no flashy lights