Yessss !
After the cocona crisis good news:
The Modelbouwdagen (Modeling days) formerly held in Goes, NL (in February) will be held on 10+11 July in the Autotron near Rosmalen (NL). It giet oan!! (Frisian for: it goes on).
This event will be indoors and outdoors. will also be there. Neighbouring a stand where wargames can be played and where kids and youngsters can paint a figure for free. (you have to start young eh?)
We (Marc Bazelmans and I) have worked with this format for some years now (only in Goes) and it attracks a lot of visitors. A good way to make them enthousiastic about the Figure hobby.
So when you are in the neighbourhood on 10-11 July: please visit the fair and make our contribution to this fair a succes.
Martin (and