The site hasn´t been hacked, it´s down to Tiny Pic.
The pic link codes for Tiny Pic appear to be very unstable, ie; it appears that someone elses pics get the same Code or the files get cross referenced. You´re lucky..some of mine have, in the past, been replaced with a lot worse than Japanese manga or lame jokes about Football. I´m slowly (but surely) replacing all my Tiny Pic linked Images on the blog.
I´ve deleted them you say, it makes no sense and my Turkish is virtually None existant so what was written on the horse pic may have been something offensive.
The pics are still there (I found them) but the link codes won´t Transfer to here..or better said, I can´t transfer the links codes, only it appears, the user can do that.
The only solution I can offer is to re-post the start of the thread here and I (or another mod ) can modify the first post of the thread.
PS--click the Report button next time and flag the Problem up, the admin can´t read every thread