There are many ways to cover scratch built trees before painting and flocking them.
Using cheap toilet paper and white glue seems to be a good one suggested here within this topic,
and one i have also used myself.
Over many years i have experimented in lots of ways to dress up trees.
Presently using twisted wire,glue and desert Chinchilla clay is an avenue of ongoing samples.
i kind'da like both trees Gunnar.
i would advise that you to work on both trees at this ongoing time.
Perhaps add a bush to your scene?
Odd numbers look attractive to the eye,
so 3 items will hold the eyes of interest in photographic terms.
A table spoonful of white glue
added to 2 table spoons of water
with a good squirt of washing up soap in it,
will work well in making a resin,
if you add Polly Filler or its like to it.
Or you could add a spoonful of Plaster of Paris if you have some.
The mixture aimed for and needed is a creamy one.
The soap will act as a plasticiser so will prevent the stuff going off quick,
giving one plenty of time to work it on with a cheap brush.
i use a 20 Pence Brush from the local toy shop.
It is natural out in the world that trees twist while growing
and they define this motionless corkscrew well so my advice is try to retain some of it.