I am wanting to paint a Leopard,Leopard2 and a M1A1 for western Europe so
again I ask for vallejo equivalents for base color (not base coat) thanks.
musketier wrote:I am wanting to paint a Leopard,Leopard2 and a M1A1 for western Europe so
again I ask for vallejo equivalents for base color (not base coat) thanks.
Maurice wrote:base color as in single green or 3-tone camo colors?
luchs wrote:musketier wrote:I am wanting to paint a Leopard,Leopard2 and a M1A1 for western Europe so
again I ask for vallejo equivalents for base color (not base coat) thanks.
for wath timeline..?..
you can use the lifecolor set for nato armies..
vallejo is not really good for afv model..
in th e70' years th eleopard wa sin green nato colour ..in 1980' the german sfhifted to nato green base wiht stripe of black and darkbrown..
th emomentic shema must be cover the 70% of the afv superface..
for vallejo you can use this conversion table..
Thank you very much good info.
hope this help..
if you want some photo of nato afv ask for it
ModernKiwi wrote:That pattern was for the Berlin brigade. Urban cammo pattern.