I was hoping to get some advice on the Hat soft plastic. I absolutely detest the stuff (hard to paint and hard to remove mold lines) but unfortunately some of their best sets were made in this plastic (Peninsular War British, Nassau Infantry, French Light Infantry etc.)
A while ago I primed and half painted some Peninsular Brits. I recently retrieved them out of their storage boxes to continue the project, only to find out that a lot of the paint and primer had flaked off. None of my usual primers (Vallejo, Citadel and army Painter) seem to adhere to this type of plastic.
As an alternative I have used Revell and Humbrol enamel paint as a basecoat for the Hat soft plastic figures. I find that it works quite well and provides a good base on which I can then apply my usual acrylics. Recently, however, I read that oil based paint such as these enamel paints often start a chemical reaction with softer plastics, destroying the figure in the end. This has me quite worried since a large part of my collection was painted this way
In short, this means that I have three questions:
1. What are good primers to use on the soft rubbery Hat plastic that won't damage the figures long term?
2. How do I strip my now ruined half-finished paint job of the aforementioned Brits without damaging them?
3. Has anyone ever experienced (long term) bad results/ averse effects from using enamel paints on the Hat soft plastic?
Thanks in advance for any advice!