@Krugi3 the Jannisaries or ,,the brotherhood of spoon'' were one of the first uniformed and well organized army units after the fall of Roman Empire...At beginning they were simply a bow man using bow and arrows, but soon they started using rifles...As concerning Janissaries uniforms that period of 1683 was the grand period of Janissaries...They usually wore the red suit of clothing...Most notable distinction of Janissaries is their bork hat...Janissaries were collected from Christian children at age of 7 or less...That was know as bloody tax(not sure if the name is translated that way in English)...Anyway soon in XVIII century Janissarie started to decline with their discipline...They were no more a fighting elite, rather they did other jobs like merchants, but still were soldiers...They started to get marry, which was not practiced earlier...
Now as concerning uniform, I think you don't need to follow any specific rules...Most of Janissaries had red uniform, with white bork hat...Some of them had red bork hat, others had black uniforme...
I think this site can help
http://www.ottoman-uniforms.com/1600-ti ... nk-system/It covers almost entire military history of Ottoman empire...
The Janissaires were part of Ottoman army until 1826 and the attack on Janissarie barracks...
Still Janissaries were only elite...The largest part of Ottoman army were ordinary soldiers known as Askers and Azaps and others...Millitary system of Ottoman empire had many different units, similar as Napoleon had different units...
As concerning ranks there were Vazir the rank of Marshal, Pashas the rank of General, the Agas wich were Corbaci- he had the rank of Collonel amongs Janissarie and ordinary troops...
Bınbaşı,-Bim-thousand- a man that lead a thousand soldiers...
Buluk or bulubasa-the captain
and Delibasa-leader or irregulars-Deli mean mad in Turkish...
The ordinary soldiers beside Janissaries were Azaps, Askers and Tufekci...