I was in a local hobby shop yesterday, gathering this and that. I popped the lid off a couple paints I was buying. In response to the owner's funny look ( here is a guy that sees me monthly, so I am far from a stranger!) I unapologetically announced, "I am tired of buying paints at $3 a pop or more, and getting them home only to find they have emulsified! I stir them up with a toothpick, but that dosen't always work so well, and it is messy!" Now the shoe was on his foot! "Yeah, some of those HAVE been sitting on the shelf for a while! But why don't you try this? Pop a BB pellet or small screw into the jar, and shake it around?"
Damn, and I always wondered what that ball in a spray can was for! Since the box of pellets I got was cheap enough (250 for $2 at WalMart on the way home!), I decided if some is good... more is better! I popped 2 in each "problem child", and so far... works great! I don't know if I just missed the bus, and this is fairly common knowledge; or nobody else is having this problem... but I thought it was cool, and wanted to pass it on!
Next times topic: Why you should not squeeze the superglue too close to the 19" flatscreen monitor! Ha ha!